Package com.acesoft.aceoffix.wordwriter

Class Summary
Border Border class represents the border object defined in Microsoft Word.
Cell Representing the cell object defined in Microsoft Word, Cell class is used to fill data into cells and control behavior of the cells.
Column Column class represents the table's column object defined in Microsoft Word.
DataRegion DataRegion class represents a DataRegion.
DataTag DataTag class represents a DataTag object.
Font Font class represents the font object defined in Microsoft Word.
ParagraphFormat ParagraphFormat class represents the ParagraphFormat object defined in Microsoft Word.
Row Row class represents the table's row object in Microsoft Word.
Shading Shading class represents the Shading object defined in Microsoft Word.
Table Table class represents the table object defined in Word.
Template Template class is used to define a Word template.
WaterMark WaterMark class encapsulates the document watermark function defined in Word.
WordDocument Representing a Word document, WordDocument class is used to output data to the Word document dynamically and control the format and the editing of the document.

Enum Summary
DataRegionInsertType The insert type of new DataRegion.
WdAutoFitBehavior Specifies how Microsoft Word resizes a table when the AutoFit feature is used.
WdBorderType The type of the border.
WdCellVerticalAlignment The vertical alignment of text in one or more cells of table.
WdLineSpacing The types of line spacing defined in the Microsoft Word.
WdLineStyle The style of the border.
WdLineWidth The width of the border line.
WdParagraphAlignment The paragraph alignment defined in the Microsoft Word.
WdPreferredWidthType Specifies the preferred unit of measure to use when measuring the width of an item.
WdRowHeightRule Specifies the rule for determining the height of the specified cells or rows.
WdRulerStyle Specifies the way Word adjusts the table when the left indent is changed.
WdUnderline Specifies the type of underline applied to the font defined in Microsoft Word.