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Sheet Methods

The Sheet type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleOpenCell
Opens the specified cell and returns a Cell object.
Public methodOpenCellByDefinedName
Opens the cell with specified name that defined in Excel and returns a Cell object.
Public methodCode exampleOpenCellRC
Opens the specified cell and returns a Cell object.
Public methodCode exampleOpenTable(String)
Opens the specified range of the cells and returns a Table object.
Public methodOpenTable(String, Boolean)
Opens the specified range of cells and returns a Table object.
Public methodOpenTableByDefinedName(String, Int32, Int32)
Opens the table with the specified name defined in Excel and returns a table object.
Public methodOpenTableByDefinedName(String, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Opens the table with specified name that defined in Excel and returns a table object.
See Also